Bowen Therapeutic Technique is a remarkable natural therapy. The practitioner utilises a sequence of safe, gentle moves over specific points to relieve pain and discomfort and correct many body disorders. This allows the healing process to progress for a fast and effective return to good health. It is used in the treatment of many health and sports problems.
By locating and releasing the various neuro-muscular imbalances throughout the body (not just at the site of pain or injury), the correct functioning of the whole(istic) body is facilitated, pain and symptoms vanish and energy levels and joy increase.
Being gentle and non-intrusive, the Bowen Technique can be used safely on anyone, from babies to the aged, athletes to the immobile, during pregnancy and for general health maintenance. It can be done over clothing and usually requires only two to four sessions to produce effective and lasting results. A regular maintenance session can be beneficial and enjoyable.
Bowen Therapy can be used to address numerous problems including:
Whatever message you wish to deliver, a gift voucher can deliver it with the gift of health.
Gift vouchers are readily available on request and can be made out to your preferred value or treatment (Massage, Bowen, Shiatsu, Reflexology). They make the ideal gift for all occasions and are valid for 3 months.
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